For GPS synchronization of lanterns installed over longer ranges, Sealite has developed an advanced GPS system. Lanterns are fitted with an internally integrated GPS module which also enables the lights to maintain their high IP68 waterproof rating.
Sealite’s GPS system provides users with the ability to mark a channel, port or river with independently operating lanterns that all flash in synchronization. This presents a clear outline of the channel each time the lanterns flash and is particularly effective in overcoming background lighting, as opposed to indiscriminate flashing lights which may render the judgement of distance and navaid location difficult.
The Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver is housed within the Sealite lantern and no additional power supplies, aerials or control systems are required. This lantern option is microprocessor-based and has been designed to provide maximum reliability and performance of the lantern over a wide range of environmental conditions.
Using overhead satellites, multiple GPS lanterns set to the same flash pattern will synchronize anywhere in the world.